易胜博app安卓下载认为这种关系非常重要,并试图根据共同的兴趣或学生和导师在一周内进行日常接触的可能性,将即将入学的学生与成年人配对. Each new student is assigned a faculty advisor for the first year; thereafter, 学生可以要求不同的指导老师. Advisor changes for the following year are managed in the spring through the Deans’ Office; students are instructed on the process if they would like a new advisor.
每个宿舍都有洗衣机/烘干机,可以与宿舍或CSCPay手机应用程序一起使用. 要使用这款应用,需要安装它,并创建一个与信用卡相关联的账户. 的 phone will connect to the machine via Bluetooth; you may scan the machine's QR code or enter the number on the front of the machine.
Students should bring an alarm clock; they should 不 rely on their cell phone alarm because in some dorms phones are 不 permitted in the room after lights-out. 一个坚固的台灯也是可取的.
No. 请不要在假期或长周末要求早退或晚归. 的 school will 不 allow students flying abroad to depart from school on early morning flights; no student flying abroad may leave before classes end. 如果你预计会有困难,请联系一位院长.